Sunday, June 19, 2011

Our neighborhood.

It's Father's Day, a beautiful day. We took a walk around the neighborhood and snapped photos of our favorite places; places we intend to take you often, places you too will grow to love. 

 Your Grandpa used to shoot hoops here when he was a kid. 
You can see these courts and the playground behind them from your bedroom window.

We'll have a lot of fun here together. You'll have to ride the merry-go-round with Daddy, though - spinny rides make Mommy sick!

Wee! So excited to see you climbing and sliding and crawling around...

 We took a photo in this spot almost 2 years ago, 
touring the neighborhood just before buying our house. 
A lot has changed since then! 

Our Post Office, not far from our house. 
Across the street is the Free Library, where your Great Aunt works on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We like to drop in and see her there, and poke around in the cozy stacks of books. 

 One of the many reasons we chose to live here is the rich history of the area. Mommy has family ties here reaching back more than one hundred years, not to mention this village 
is where her own Mommy and Daddy fell in love. 

We live on Burton Street, where the sidewalk ends.

Mommy likes to imagine you climbing up into this tree outside our house, peeking out at her in your denim overalls. 

Across the street is a 17 acre pasture. We sit on our front porch in the white wicker loveseat and watch deer and bunnies and birds wander out of the trees and into the field. At night the pasture glows with fireflies and sings with crickets. It is just one piece of a perfect picture, a scene of true love and real happiness. A whisper of contentment passing through the lush green leaves, brushing our cheeks with sweet kisses. 

"Welcome home..."

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