Friday, March 4, 2011

Growing together.

It's week 19 and I'm finally feeling (and looking) pregnant. I remember wearing this dress in the summertime and pushing out my belly, teasing Daddy with a line from "Hot Tub Time Machine" (a really silly movie we saw on a whim last year, anxious to visit the old movie theater we both used to go to when we were kids). "I feel pregnant!" I'd say and arch my back to get the full effect. Now I realize I had no idea what that even meant.

It's safe to say I'm well past the nausea and picky appetite I had in the first trimester, and on my way to eating us out of house and home. Everything sounds good to me. I can hardly wait until my next meal. I'm taking this as a good sign - coupled with my bulging middle, the voracity must mean little Tommy is growing. This makes Mommy & Daddy both giddy with grins. Big grins. Big giggly goofy grins.

Daddy rubs my belly with Mama Bee balm at night and we both try to feel you moving inside me. It's still early and I think you're hiding behind the placenta, so only every now and then do I feel a flutter or tickle to the side. Soon, though, I'm told you'll start performing amazing tricks like kicking and punching and hiccups. I can't imagine I'll ever get tired of it, once it starts. It will be the closest I can get to you until you're really here.

Your cousins Jack and Amelia and Brian are coming over this Sunday to help us start clearing out your soon to be nursery. Your crib is waiting to be assembled, and Nonna has the matching changing table at her house. Aunt Lissy bought you an adorable crib set as a surprise for Mommy. I hope you like it - it has squirrels and owls and hedgehogs and turtle friends for you to snuggle with. Here's hoping your real live kitty friends don't snuggle with it first...

Almost halfway there, little one. I hope you can feel how eager and happy and proud we are. This is a dream come true; a dream that just grows truer and truer with each day passing by.

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